Introducing your new Environment Protection Authority PSA delegates - Public Service Association

Introducing your new Environment Protection Authority PSA delegates

New Delegates - Nov 2020 (PDF version)

The PSA would like to congratulate all six Delegates elected to the PSA’s Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Departmental Committee (DC). The successful candidates and your new EPA union delegates are:

Jane Burgett Operations (Incident Management)
Simon Taylor Senior Investigator
Cheryl Ainsworth EA (RPES)
David Bell Operations Officer
Scott King Regional Operations Officer
Hugh Brennan Operations Officer

These Delegates will form the PSA EPA Departmental Committee which meets regularly to discuss the industrial issues faced by membership and advocate to upper management on behalf of EPA members.

There are still vacancies for the Wollongong and Queanbeyan Electorate, and the Combined Electorate covering Buronga, Broken Hill, Armidale, Narrabri, Wagga Wagga and Griffith.

If you would like to become more involved in the union please contact your Organiser Chris Bird at and remember to encourage your colleagues to join the PSA today!

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