It’s almost break time, have a wonderful holiday season!
Merry Christmas and Happy School Holidays
The PSA General Secretary, Executive, Delegates and Staff would like to congratulate you on the work you have done this year keeping schools running and supporting students.
It’s been a huge year! Everyone in schools has continued to deal with uncertain and challenging circumstances and all of you have done an amazing job supporting your school communities.
Celebrating a 3 year pay deal
For the first time in 12 years outside of the historic pay equity outcome, the PSA has negotiated a three year pay deal for members covered by the School Administrative and Support Staff Award.
This is a significant win for the membership, giving certainty for the next two years of pay increases with an inbuilt cost of living allowance so that if the economic situation changes in 2025 or 2026 the union can go back to the government on your behalf.
The union also advocated to have the leave loading and back pay paid in two separate pay periods. To find out more read our bulletin about it HERE
eFPT Survey – thank you for your feedback
Thank you to the almost 500 School Admin Managers and Business Managers that responded to the enterprise Financial Planning Tool (eFPT) survey. Your Schools Executive Delegates and PSA staff will be reviewing the data, along with the many free form comments in detail, and will report back to members in the new year on key concerns.
Your feedback is invaluable and will support the unions discussions with the department on your behalf. The issues raised by you show the eFPT is having a significant impact on your working lives.
Disability Royal Commission with a focus on Education
The PSA has been meeting with the department as a stakeholder into the NSW Response to the Disability Royal Commission with a focus on Education as well as putting in a submission to the Legislative Council outlining the work and the pressures that our School Learning Support Officers face.
There is a further Select Committee which the PSA will be engaging with through our Delegates on the Special Education Working Group in 2025.
Your Departmental Committee Executive Delegates Plan for 2025
The PSA has been working with your delegates across all classifications on the key things the union needs to address in the new year. The Departmental Committee Executive Delegates have undertaken a full review, supported by PSA staff, of the systemic issues facing School Administrative and Support Staff. We have heard loud and clear that workload, occupational violence, permanency and privatisation remain the top concerns across the state.
That is why we will campaign around increases to the staffing formula, a genuine ongoing pathway to permanency and protections in the workplace to make it safer, particularly in cases of violent behaviours.
While it’s been a tough year in many ways, and there are challenges ahead, the PSA is always right there with you every step of the way. We will continue to work on the workplace issues that you care are about and that have the biggest impact on your working lives together in 2025.
You are all due a very well earned break over the next few weeks. Enjoy it – you’ve earned it.
Have a happy holiday break and see you in the new year!