Legal Aid – Working from home - Public Service Association

Legal Aid – Working from home

Legal Aid – Working from home – July 2018 (PDF version)

Accommodation issues

The PSA is aware the lack of office accommodation is an issue. Members are without desks, offices or adequate spaces to complete work. While management has suggested members can work from home there are standards which must be followed.

Your Right to Request or Deny

According to Section 43.2 of the Crown Employees (Public Service Condition of Employment) Award 2009, in order to work from home a formal agreement must be negotiated. This means that you need to have – in writing an agreement surrounding the type of work, hours of work and the reason why you are working from home, signed by yourself and your manager.


The work you are doing from home MUST be able to be completed efficiently from the location that you are doing it, or in the case of a temporary disability, or disability that fluctuates, must allow you to complete work if you would be unable to attend the workplace (in accordance with Part 2, Section 7 Working from Home in the Flexible Work Practice, Policy and Guidelines).

What must be provided?

If you and your employer enter into an agreement the workplace must provide furniture, telephone and other equipment as needed.

WHS requirements

Many offices have a policy in regards to WHS when working from home – the PSA suggests you contact your HSR Rep and your WHS officers for the specific policies that are in place. It is highly encouraged that you follow all of these policies, and keep records of them in the case of an issue that may arise in the future.

What we can do

The PSA is here to support your and ensure that you know your rights. If you know that your management isn’t following these rules, please contact the PSA Members Support Centre on 1300 772 679 and let us know. If you have any other issues please get in contact with us as soon as possible.

What you can do

  • Know your rights. If you don’t have access to your workplace specific policy, ask for it.
  • Ensure other colleagues are aware of their rights – Share this bulletin, and encourage them to join the PSA.

Remember: United we stand, Divided we fall.

The only way you can ensure the protection of your rights is by having a strong union presence, and encouraging your colleagues to join. If they are interested in joining go to or contact .

Member Benefits

Our valued member benefits support program.

Union Membership - Unity Strength Respect

As a union member, you are part of Australia’s biggest social movement. Your union’s strength lies in its size; the more voices we have, the greater our power to bargain for better pay, conditions and benefits. Join your union today.

  • Collective strength; being a union member gives you a stronger voice when dealing with your employer
  • Standing up for your job: the PSA campaigns for a better-funded, strong public service
  • Journey insurance; get protection to and from work
  • Member benefits: get great discounts on a wide range of products and services
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