Liquor and Gaming NSW meeting report – 18 March 2019 (PDF version)
The PSA held a members meeting at Liquor and Gaming NSW on 18 March 2019.
This meeting was very productive and resulted in the engagement of a new PSA Delegate;
Sean Pearson. Sean joins existing Delegate Ann Tranter. We hope to extend the delegate numbers to
3 at the next members meeting on 30 April 2019.
At the recent meeting we discussed: –
- Work Health and Safety
Suzanne Mann from the PSA spoke about the employer obligations to consult under the Work Health and Safety Act and the importance of employee representation.
- Move of Services to Parramatta
Employees raised various concerns about this intended move of staff to Parramatta in 2020.
Significantly staff expressed uncertainty and a lack of knowledge of what was happening.
The PSA advised they were in the process of engaging with management and hoped to arrange a meeting shortly.
In the meantime, we request that you provide issues to your delegates so we can represent your concerns effectively. We will include your delegates in the meeting
- Another members meeting is being planned for end of April 2019
The current Government’s record has been abysmal. The public service has been reduced well beyond cutting any mythical fat. They’re eating into the bone. They have undermined your rights regarding Workers Compensation. They have taken away existing appeal mechanisms in the Industrial Relations Commission relating to promotions. The Government Sector Employment Act has made exiting you from employment so much easier.
They have almost managed to take away the deserved sense of pride in being a public servant.
Where they don’t cut jobs, they privatise services.
The one thing we don’t want after the upcoming election is them saying they have been given a mandate to continue their destruction.
March 23 is a time when you get to have a say. The PSA respects the diversity of view held by our membership but a Government that attacks our members is a Government that has to go. This is your chance to Save the State, Change the Government.
What can you do?
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA –
- Forward this bulletin to non-members.
- Print this out and place it on notice boards.
- Check out all the extra benefits being a PSA member entitles you to