Machinery of Government (MoG) changes; PSA members’ update
This bulletin is part of our regular report back to members following our attendance at the fortnightly Change Joint Consultative Committee (CJCC) meetings, following the Machinery of Government changes and the creation of the new Department of Customer Service. The last meeting was on Thursday 11 July 2019.
From 1 July 2019 all new reporting lines have come into effect and a number of interim structures are in place. The Department has informed the PSA that up to 25 Resource Management Plans (RMPs) will be implemented over the next 12 months.
The CJCC will continue throughout this process as part of the consultation process with the unions.
Communication and consultation with staff
For those staff who are more immediately impacted by the MoG changes, predominantly corporate shared-services staff from Service NSW, IPART, Liquor and Gaming, and Data Insights and Transformation there have been a number of meetings, communications and orientations.
Orientations are now being offered to all DSC staff and members are encouraged to attend and ask questions.
The Department did acknowledge it had now sought to slow down some of the processes to improve communication with staff.
The most important message to convey to members at this time is that if you have not had a discussion to your satisfaction about your role and interim reporting line then you are encouraged to do so.
For example, it was reported to the PSA that 24 staff raised issues in Corporate Affairs and in response to that a number of adjustments were being made.
Job losses
It was reported that the first tranche of Senior Executive staff had left employment with the Department from 30 June 2019 and that the Department had met the required reduction in its executive structure.
The Department reaffirmed its position of maximising redeployment of existing ongoing staff and that all vacancies will be initially advertised internally before going external.
There is a ‘go slow’ on recruitment for the foreseeable future as the RMP process is worked through.
Revenue transformation
It has decided it requires more information and discovery before any options are pursued.
A holding statement communication will be going out to staff. There was no further information provided at this time.
The PSA raised concerns it wanted to see the process of consultation improved and not just be briefed on changes.
Award transition – Service NSW
Service NSW corporate staff are in an interim structure. One of the more complex issues will be the transition from the Service NSW Salaries and Conditions Employees Award 2018 onto the Crown Employees (Public Sector – Salaries 2019) Award.
An options paper is being developed about how to manage this.