Making flexibility count - Public Service Association

Making flexibility count

Working from Home policy - March 2020 (PDF version)

On Thursday 5 March members were startled to receive an email which came from work conducted in the ‘Leaders Meeting’ which detailed how working from home practices would be managed across the Maitland and Gosford offices. The PSA understands there was no consultation with staff and suspects that figures have been arrived at arbitrarily with no foundation or supporting justification advised to staff.

A ‘One size fits all’ approach flies in the face of principles set out in the Public Service Commission’s Make Flexibility Count document attached HERE. It appears ‘the Leaders’ may have forgotten to consult this document.

This bulletin is to advise members that the PSA is aware of this issue and we will continue to fight for members’ rights and entitlements at work.

Print out this bulletin and pass it to your non-union colleagues. Stronger together.

Join the PSA online HERE.   


Issues at work? Contact your local PSA delegates or the PSA Member Support Centre.


Ph: 1300 772 679

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