Merit Selection in the public service under threat - Public Service Association

Merit Selection in the public service under threat

Get your petitions in today, 14 June

The NSW Government’s decision to tear up the Public Sector Employment and Management Act and replace it with its Government Sector Employment Bill exposes the Government’s intention to remove fairness and transparency in selection processes throughout the service.

If the Bill is passed in its current form then there will be no statutory requirement to advertise positions or to select on the basis of merit.

This is just one of the many concerns the PSA has with this Bill in its current form.

Please sign the PSA petition to stop the Bill from passing through the Parliament unamended.

If you have already signed the petition, “thank you”. If you have not already signed the petition or you are willing to help obtain more signatories, please print off a copy and ask your colleagues, your family and your friends to sign. The petition can be accessed here.

For more information on the Bill please email:

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