North Coast TAFE PSA member update - Public Service Association

North Coast TAFE PSA member update

North Coast TAFE bulletin – 10 Nov 2015 (PDF version)

The PSA has taken the dispute about the implementation of the CLEAR and CHEC restructures to the Fair Work Commission, with specific reference to the creation of positions that sit across multiple classifications.

The PSA consulted and collated members’ concerns and took these to North Coast senior management and Human Resources for resolution.

PSA has won:

  • an extension of the application period for the positions advertised externally until staff are advised of placements
  • clarified recognition of service for long-term temporary staff in regard to severance payments and have won an agreement that NCIT will give special consideration to individuals as necessary. The Institute initially advised that only the current contract term would be recognised
  • recognition of service at higher grades across service history for redundancy calculations for permanent staff.

Issues still outstanding include:

  • creation of lower graded positions that will perform the duties of positions that are currently performed by higher graded positions
  • creation of new positions with duties from multiple classifications including clerical, security and facilities management
  • advertisement of positions externally before current permanent and long-term temporary staff are placed into positions.

PSA requested “TAFE NSW is to remove the Clerk 1-2 positions currently being proposed in the Coffs Harbour Education Centre Review. TAFE NSW is to create positions consistent with only one of the classifications in the Enterprise Agreement and not attempt to incorporate tasks, activities or other duties into Clerk graded positions.”

North Coast TAFE did not listen and continued to external recruitment of the blended positions.

To address these outstanding issues, the PSA escalated its dispute over these “blended positions” to the Fair Work Commission. The hearing date is 19 November.

An update will be sent to update members on the outcome.

The PSA has informed TAFE the dispute over these blended positions includes the CLEAR restructure, and has written to TAFE to stop jobs related to these positions being advertised until the dispute is resolved.

What you can do?

  • Print out this bulletin and share with non-members
  • Ask non-members to join the join
  • Keep your delegates and contacts informed of any issues that affect you

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