NPWS PSA update – November 2017 (PDF version)
Phase 2 EOI
This is a reminder to members that the Phase 2 EOI Portal closes as 5:00pm today, Thursday 16 November. As advised previously, Phase 3 recruitment will not commence until February 2018.
Direct assignments
As stated in our last bulletin, the PSA has been in discussions with OEH regarding the provision of direct assignments in cases where the roles are directly comparable. Despite OEH writing to us that it believed “there were few, if any, work locations that would allow for a direct assignment”, the PSA continued advocating on behalf of a number of individuals who we believe could demonstrate they should be directly assigned. OEH admitted in the Industrial Relations Commission that more than 450 staff had been directly assigned throughout the process, including a number of members who were in attendance at the IRC on the day and whom we made representations on behalf of. The PSA is continuing discussions to obtain even more direct assignments throughout the rest of the process.
The PSA has been advised some rangers have been told that their jobs are being relocated as a consequence of Future NPWS. The PSA reminds rangers that they are out of scope to the Future NPWS restructure. If your role is being relocated, or otherwise changed, please contact the PSA at so we can raise these with OEH.
Field officers
The PSA has scheduled meetings regarding establishing by consent, a new Senior Field Supervisor (SFS) Grade 3 in the PSA Award. This variation is the same offered to the union covering field staff outside of Kosciuszko National Park. The PSA does not wish to prejudice these discussions by commenting extensively, however we wish to inform members that any offer will be put to members to vote on, after due consideration of any deleted positions that have occurred throughout this restructure.
The PSA does not wish to spend time attacking other registered Industrial Organisations, as our resources are better spent defending members from the ill thought out plans of OEH. However, the PSA also notes that there is very little difference between outcomes the PSA has gained vs outcomes that affect staff covered by the field staff award.
Campaign events
The PSA attended the Queanbeyan Show over
11 and 12 November to highlight to the community the changes that are occurring in NPWS. Click HERE to see photos of the day.
In response to our recent NPWS day of action events, a number of members and community organisations have asked for something to be held in their area. The PSA wishes to advise members that another day of action event is planned for Bega next Friday 24 November, and more locations are being planned. Further details will be distributed separately.