NSWPF Communications Officers Industrial Bulletin
NSWPF Communications Officers Industrial Bulletin April 2014 (PDF Version)
Industrial Bulletin Members’ attention is drawn to previous industrial bulletins regarding matters before the NSW Industrial Relations Commission, Public Service Association v NSW Police Force No. 880 of 2012 and 511 of 2013: https://psa.asn.au/nswpc-industrial-bulletin-minimum-staffing-agreement-and-safe-staffing-levels-application/
At a directions hearing on 4 March 2014, hearing dates for the matters were set down for late May 2014 by His Honour Justice Boland. In accordance with directions, NSWPF filed their evidence with the Commission on the 28 February. PSA staff and delegates undertook the review of over 700 pages of affidavits submitted by NSWP. Following this, members and delegates provided draft affidavits ‘in reply’, which were subsequently reviewed by counsel retained by the Association.
Following further review of the evidence filed by NSWP and our members in reply, it was the opinion of the Association’s counsel that there was insufficient evidence, making a ruling in favour of members unlikely. This was based in the main on the relatively small number of Injury Notification or ‘Near Miss’ forms submitted by Radio Operations Group staff. Additionally, a lack of evidence forthcoming from the largest of the Radio Operations Centres was also a factor. Based on counsel’s advice the Association has instructed that the proceedings be withdrawn from the Commission.
NSW Police vehemently opposed the application for consultation in an effort to avoid what is fundamentally just ‘good practice’. It should also be remembered that attempts to negotiate agreed parameters within the draft Framework for Service Provision document were rejected by management.
Your PSA delegates have been briefed and consulted on a regular basis throughout this lengthy dispute process and were informed of the decision to discontinue proceedings on 8 April 2014.
Delegates and your Association have already commenced discussions on new strategies. Your feedback will be sought and will again be the basis for future actions. Your safety and working conditions are paramount.
We thank each of the delegates and members who contributed for their efforts thus far. Feedback can be sent to or to your respective delegate.
Authorised by Anne Gardiner, General Secretary, Public Service Association of NSW, 160 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000