Pillar bulletin – 20 January 2016
Pillar bulletin – 20 January 2016 (PDF version)
Meeting with management
Since the last bulletin to members, the PSA has again met with management regarding the proposed sale of Pillar. This meeting occurred the day after the members’ meeting of 13 January.
See previous bulletin at psa.asn.au/pillar-bulletin-privatisation
The members’ meeting in Coniston passed the following motion:
“The PSA is opposed to the sale of Pillar by the NSW Government. We will fight to maintain members’ conditions of employment, irrespective of whether or not Pillar remains in public hands.”
The PSA has informed management of our position. We sought to extend the enterprise agreement for the maximum four years and informed management that we will be seeking a transfer payment of 30 weeks.
In response Pillar management were unable to indicate their position on the transfer payment but said they would contact NSW Treasury to discuss the likelihood of extending the current enterprise agreement.
The PSA and Pillar management will meet again in a few weeks after management has spoken with Treasury.
The PSA also asked for further information on the sale. Management had very little to add. There was however a further reassurance about the business remaining in Wollongong but again no basis to back this up. Management did say that the Financial Advisor who will devise the sale strategy for Pillar on behalf of the state government will be appointed in late January.
Engaging members of Parliament
The PSA will be writing to all political parties to inform them of our opposition to the sale. In the event they are prepared to support a sale, we will push for their support to protect conditions, location of the business and a transfer payment.
The State Government does not have a majority in the Upper House, where they will need to pass any legislation. Therefore, the PSA will be lobbying all political parties and independents represented in the NSW Parliament for support.
The PSA needs to elect additional delegates for the bargaining team. Delegates who wish to nominate should email Tony Heathwood at
The greater involvement that we have, the stronger we are.