Pillar staff enterprise agreement - Your vote - Public Service Association

Pillar staff enterprise agreement – Your vote

Pillar No vote poster – July 2016 (PDF version)

Ballot opening

You will soon receive a ballot paper to vote on whether to accept the agreement.

Have your say and ensure you vote!

Voting opens on Monday 25 July at 12:01am and closes on Wednesday 27 July at 11:59pm.

You are being offered a two year agreement.

Is this good enough?


What members want:

  • Protection of current conditions for three years
  • Enshrine pay rises for three years
  • Give you certainty in a time of uncertainty

What is being offered:

  • Only protects current conditions for a two year
  • Only guarantees two pay rise
  • Leads to uncertainty when you transfer to a private employer

Members endorsed a NO vote for the agreement.

Vote NO to secure your future!

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