POVB bulletin – mandatory testing
Yesterday the NSW Government announced that, in the beginning of 2020, it will put forward legislation for Mandatory Testing for any offender who bites or otherwise exposes Prison Officers, Youth Officers, Police and other frontline workers to a risk of disease.
I was present at the media release yesterday and was extremely proud of the work that has been put in to getting ministers to listen to the concerns of frontline workers. I was also very grateful to CSNSW for assisting in this legislation.
The POVB is now an integral member of the Emergency Services Coalition and through this collaboration we have been successful in putting our case to the respective ministers.
This is a step in the right direction in our fight for the recognition of Prison Officers as frontline emergency services. It is also a step in reducing the mental anguish Prison Officers go through when exposed to a risk of disease while doing their job protecting the community.
It does not, by any means, diminish the risks that we face, but it goes a long way in valuing the role Prison Officers perform in protecting the community.
The POVB thanks the other unions in the Emergency Services Coalition in their efforts for getting this legislation forward. We also thank PSA General Secretary, Stewart Little and PSA Assistant General, Secretary Troy Wright for their continued support in helping us fight for better conditions, policies and legislations.
You can read the media release HERE.
Yours in union,
Nicole Jess
Contact details
Nicole Jess
Chairperson 0427 609 199
Jason Charlton
Vice Chairperson 0401 500 976
Thor Sutherland
Country Chairperson 0447 633 476
Natalie Howes
Secretary 0407 011 441
Darren King
Assistant Secretary 0407 935 039
David McCauley
POVB Industrial Officer 0419 022 767