Powerhouse Museum discussions
Impact Discussions - July 2020 (PDF version)
The PSA met with Powerhouse management on 13 July to discuss the impact of the decision to retain a museum site at Ultimo. The key points from that meeting are as follows:
- A Business Case will be put together to look at the site’s renewal. This will also look at funding.
- There will still be a Change Management Plan in the future but this will address increases in resources and staffing. The PSA will still be involved in discussions and we still have a commitment for a three-month consultation period. This is anticipated to commence in the first quarter of next year.
- In the meantime, the museum has re-opened.
- New exhibitions are pending, including on Levels 1 and 2.
- There is no less work for employees, including casuals.
- The Collection Relocation Division remains in operation. Items are still to be moved to Castlehill.
- We are advised that some of the iconic items will remain at Ultimo.
- We note that there has been much change over the last few weeks (and months). Lisa Havilah committed to communicate with staff.
- The PSA and MAAS will hold the next joint Consultative Committee meeting in the next couple of weeks. Advise you delegates of an issues you wish us to raise.
This has been a great result for the PSA. Our members and the community as a whole.
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