Proposed variation to Office of Environment & Heritage – National Parks & Wildlife Service Conditions Award - Public Service Association

Proposed variation to Office of Environment & Heritage – National Parks & Wildlife Service Conditions Award

NPWS bulletin re proposed award variation – 15 Jan 2016 (PDF version)

The PSA and delegates have been attending meetings with the Department for a number of months on the sustainability of the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) in NSW.

At the last meeting on 10 December, the Department notified the PSA of their intention to apply for an award variation as early as February 2016.

If the Department is successful in their application, the following proposals may impact on Rangers and Field Officers:

  • The removal of the 17% weekend loading
  • Weekend loading to only apply to staff rostered to work the weekend
  • The Department will determine which National Parks/ Reserves will require a weekend presence and which classification of staff will work.

The PSA is determined to fight the proposed variations. We do not believe that any change to the award, which reduces members conditions, is necessary or fair.

The PSA has written to the Department to inform them that we are opposed to the variation that they are seeking and that in either case discussion should not take place until the end of the current fire season.

How can you help?

Contact your delegate to register your support for the PSA’s push against the Department’s mean spirited proposal.

Please contact:

Kim De Govrik at

Peter Clark at


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