PSA update: Workplace change and long-term casuals
Workplace change
The PSA has recently been made aware of an email distributed by the Executive Director, Cameron Kerr, with respect to various changes:
- adjusting some temporary contracts minimising casual use
- reassigning staff to other priority work
- reviewing rosters
- reviewing backfilling of roles as they become vacant.
The PSA has consistently advocated the need for consultation around any changes that may affect our members. The PSA currently has a dispute before the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW (IRC) regarding redundancies being offered to staff prior to notifying the PSA of any role being deleted.
The PSA has also raised concerns in the IRC regarding the new payroll system, as members had contacted the PSA regarding penalty rates that had not been paid to them from the Easter long weekend. Taronga advised the IRC there had been glitches in the new payroll system regarding the Easter long weekend penalty rates, however this would be rectified this pay. The matter has been stood over until the 17 May.
Long-term casuals
The PSA has made representations to Taronga management regarding long-term casuals. It has been agreed the PSA would provide Taronga management with a list of casuals names who are currently being paid as Trainee Keeper Level 1, instead of Keeper Level 1.
If you meet the following criteria of a Keeper Level 1 as per Taronga Conservation Society Australia Salaried Employees Award, please contact the PSA. The criteria are:
- possession of Certificate 3 in captive animals or equivalent
- at least four years’ paid animal husbandry-related industry experience
- having completed the Trainee Skills Assessment Workbook
- existing employees must be satisfactory in general competencies
- undertake Keeper Skills Assessment Workbook.
The PSA understands many employees may not have been given, or have any prior knowledge of, the Trainee Skills Assessment Workbook. The PSA will still progress your claim in these circumstances.
Taronga Sydney casual members should contact Claudia Bianci, and Taronga Dubbo casual members should contact Kevin Milton, by 30 April 2020. The PSA will only be providing PSA members’ names to Taronga management.
Not a member?
As Taronga makes changes to deal with the fallout of COVID-19, it is vital your colleagues join the union to gain representation now.
Please encourage your colleagues who may not yet be members to join at
The PSA will also be holding a workplace meeting at Taronga Zoo Sydney at 12:30pm on Wednesday 28 April 2021 in the Hort Shed.
PSA Zoo Delegates
Claudia Bianchi
Simon Faithfull
Toby Johnson