PSA Work-Bans in RMS
PSA Bulletin RMS WorkBans July 2014 (PDF version)
PSA members in the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) have alerted the PSA to the introduction of new Performance Review and Development procedures.
The PSA has been seeking for some time to enter into consultation over the new procedures. RMS Management stalled the consultation process by advising the PSA that Transport for NSW was developing transport cluster-wide procedures.
The PSA was assured it would be consulted in adapting the Transport Cluster procedures for adoption by the RMS.
Consultation with the PSA did not occur and the RMS implemented the procedures.
PSA members concerns primarily revolve around two issues:
- Some KPIs are unachievable
- Failure to meet KPIs could lead to disciplinary processes.
Some members may already have undertaken Performance Development Plans with their Supervisors.
Your PSA RMS Departmental Committee seeks your co-operation to implement work-bans around participation in Performance Development related activities.
The motion endorsed by your Departmental Committee Delegates is:
The PSA RMS Departmental Committee recommends that members do not participate in the Performance Development Plan process until proper consultation has occurred between RMS and the PSA.
Members are directed not to participate in any activities which flow from the unconsulted Performance Development and Review process. The PSA will formally advise RMS Management of these work-bans.
The PSA will seek to commence consultation with the RMS to ensure that the Performance Development Process includes fair and achievable KPIs and that the reliance on Performance Management (as a disciplinary tool) is removed from the procedures.
For more information on the work-bans or to get involved in the campaign contact your PSA delegates and JOIN us today!