Rally for tougher industrial manslaughter laws - Public Service Association

Rally for tougher industrial manslaughter laws

On average, more than one NSW worker loses their life in a workplace fatality each week.

Since 2022 there have been more than 687 workplace fatalities. However, in that time there have only been four successful prosecutions of the highest current offence. Not a single individual employer or Chief Executive has been held responsible.

For too long now workers have died in avoidable workplace incidents with little to no recompense from those responsible for the loss of human life.

The existing offences are inadequate for deterring and punishing grossly negligent safety breaches resulting in a workplace death.

Soon the NSW Parliament will be considering legislation to create an offence of industrial manslaughter.

NSW is the only mainland state without industrial manslaughter laws that will hold powerful decision makers in companies responsible if their conduct results in the death of a worker. We need industrial manslaughter laws NOW.

Next Monday, come join other union members and demand the State Government does more to protect workers.


Date Monday 3 June 2024
Time 8:00am
Venue Martin Place, near Macquarie Streeet

More details are available HERE.

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