Region to “suffer” under public service cuts – Armidale Express
PUBLIC service job losses could cost the New England economy tens of millions of dollars.

FIGHTING WORDS: Stephen Mears from the Public Services Association addresses the crowd at the Armidale City Bowling Club on Wednesday
Stephen Mears from the Public Services Association of NSW points to a study done by Grafton council after that area lost 105 corrective services jobs and said Armidale and surrounds would also suffer if cuts continued.
Grafton council put the cost of losing jail employees at $26 million and Mr Mears said that a projected figure of about 150 job losses in Armidale would remove about $40 million from the local economy.
“This is really a death by a thousand cuts,” Mr Mears said.
“It’s a job here, a job there.
“It’s a slow drip but it is gathering momentum.”
Mr Mears said the city is already feeling the pinch because, although losses so far have been minimal, a number of people either know their jobs are going or are worried about that happening and are tightening their belts accordingly. Mr Mears said 609 jobs were forecast to go across the whole region and country communities will be hit harder than the city as a result.
“I’m not saying it’s better to lose 6,000 jobs in Sydney but they could probably carry that better than 600 jobs in this region,” he said.
Mr Mears said the association is also fighting the government on wage issues.
Armidale Express: Region to “suffer” under public service cuts