Reporting Services Branch members Information bulletin
Reporting services branch information bulletin – March 2016 (PDF version)
Reporting Services Branch (RSB) review
A members’ meeting at the Downing Centre on Tuesday, 22 March 2016 discussed the RSB review. A number of decisions were made about member involvement in the review process.
As you are aware, the terms of reference of the review are to examine how RSB currently meets the requirements and expectations of the courts and the legal services sector. The review will include identifying reasonable user needs for the future.
It was noted one Departmental employee is working with the review consultant during the review process. However, members expressed concern they have not been approached by the consultant about the roles they undertake in RSB. Because members undertake a variety of important and skilled roles, they need to be assessed and included in the review to provide a full and transparent review of RSB’s services.
Members agreed the Chair of the PSA Court Reporters Vocational Advisory Group will write immediately on behalf of members to the review consultant requesting a meeting. All categories of reporting – Pen Court Reporters, CAT Court Reporters, Sound Reporters, Sound Monitors and MCRMs – at both the Downing Centre and Parramatta Justice Precinct should be consulted on any review.
What next?
It is important to note the review due in April is not the final report. It is the first phase of the overall review of RSB only and will present the results of examining the needs of the users of reporting and transcription services – members of the judiciary and representatives of the wider legal sector.
Members are reminded the Department has invited them to submit any specific questions relating to the overall review. Members are urged to take up this offer. The Department will address members’ questions in the next Departmental Fact Sheet.
All members will be provided with a copy of the first phase review and will have an opportunity to provide comments on this and any subsequent phases of the review.
A consultative committee has been established with representation from the Department, PSA staff and the PSA Chair of the Court Reporters Vocational Branch. Members agreed the Department should again be requested to expand the representation on the consultative committee to include a delegate from the Sound Reporters Vocational Branch Advisory Group. The PSA will request the Department to include two delegates (one from each Vocational Advisory Group) in the consultation process. This will ensure the authenticity of representation.
Members can provide feedback to their delegates. This is your opportunity to have a say about the future of RSB and the way in which the invaluable service you currently provide is delivered in the future. It is imperative you support your delegates as your feedback will form the basis of a submission for inclusion in the consultation process. If you have any questions regarding the review, please contact your local delegate.
Update your details
If you have moved, have a new work email, work phone, or work location, please update your membership details HERE
Your delegates are:
Court reporters
Sadie Spencer
Lyn Shiels
Michael Campbell
Dawn Bentley
Jane Challis
Julie Anderson
Sound reporters
Virginia Tierney
Natasha Vos
Peter Tough
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
- Print out this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Get involved as your Area Contact
- Set up work place members’ committees with regular scheduled meetings.