Restructure Teaching and Learning and Student Well-being Division and Early Childhood Outcomes – Notification and Consultation
The PSA wishes to advise members that we have been notified about the following proposed organisational changes.
Teaching and Learning and Student Wellbeing Division Restructure
We know that the Deputy Secretary, Martin Graham, has announced the restructuring of the Teaching and Learning Services Division. The proposed changes will impact the Teaching Quality and Impact, Curriculum and Reform, Educational Standards, Student Wellbeing Support, Inclusion and Wellbeing, and Student Support and Specialist Programs directorates.
The PSA met with the Deputy Secretary and Employee Relations on Monday morning to be briefed on the proposed changes and has been provided with documentation, including current and proposed organisational charts and information about impacted roles, for consultation.
We are advised that the proposed changes will include a reduction from six (6) directorates to five (5), however some areas will be expanded including Curriculum and Reform, Education Standards and Student Support and Specialist Programs areas. We also note the transition to more permanent employment for a number of roles in Assisted Student Transport and in Student Wellbeing areas.
Whilst there are 50.6 additional ongoing GSE roles being created in the new structure, we note a net reduction of 37.4 FTE GSE roles, representing impacted employees. The PSA is aware that impacted staff have already been spoken with in one-on-one meetings with managers and have been invited to attend sessions on the mobility placement process.
The PSA is ensuring the department follows the government’s Workforce Mobility Placement Policy to priority match impacted employees to vacant roles. Impacted employees firstly must be supported through the department’s mobility priority placement process, to be matched to suitable vacant roles within the department, following which, if not successful, they will be referred to the Premiers’ department for matching to vacancies across the broader public sector.
The PSA has reminded the department of the importance of clear communication and accessible information to employees about the placement process.
The PSA has scheduled a meeting with Employee Relations and Workforce Planning (responsible for matching and placement) for later this week, to develop an agreed set of steps and documentation for best practice change management processes.
We encourage members to provide feedback through the Teams Form and to managers, in focus meetings but also to contact the PSA Member Support Centre with your concerns and feedback. The PSA reserves the right to determine whether consultation is genuine and meaningful throughout this organisational change process. We have requested that a consolidated feedback report be provided to the PSA after the initial consultation period, outlining where the department has incorporated the feedback from staff and/or the PSA.
Early Childhood Outcomes- Realignment
The PSA also met with John Barraket on Monday morning concerning proposed changes in the Early Childhood Outcomes area. There is no loss of GSE staff. All 416 currently filled non-executive ongoing and temporary GSE roles will transition into the proposed new structure. This realignment proposes the deletion of surplus and vacant roles from the division and reporting line changes for existing employees. Other than the reporting line changes we are advised that there are no other impacts for current employees. It is proposed to remove one filled PSSE role. This staff member will be supported through the mobility process.
It is proposed to move two teams – the Research Team and the Aboriginal Children Programs Team – to other Divisions. The Research Team (4 FTE) will transfer to the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation where they will benefit from the leadership of a senior researcher. The Aboriginal Children Programs Team (2 FTE) administers an early childhood Aboriginal languages program. It is proposed to move this team to the Aboriginal Education and Communities Team to ensure alignment of all the Department’s Aboriginal languages programs from early childhood right through public education.
The PSA also invites any members impacted to contact the PSA Member Support Centre and log your concerns. Please do this in addition to utilising the feedback processes provided for staff by the department.
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PSA staff
Industrial Officer:
Katy Ambler
Peta Noke