TfNSW and RMS Award negotiations: Survey and update - Public Service Association

TfNSW and RMS Award negotiations: Survey and update

As members may be aware, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) put an offer the PSA for the following Awards:

  • Roads and Maritime Services Consolidated Salaried Award 2019 (RMS Award)
  • Roads and Maritime Services School Crossing Supervisors Award 2019
  • Transport for New South Wales and Sydney Metro Salaries and Conditions of Employment Award 2021 (TfNSW Award).

As a result, we balloted our members via SurveyMonkey to ascertain the membership’s response to TfNSW’s Award offers. That ballot closed Monday evening. Resoundingly, the membership’s response was to reject TfNSW’s offers, more than 85 per cent of the membership voting for the PSA to reject the offers.

Whilst we and other unions were balloting members, TfNSW proceeded (as did the other Public Sector Agencies/Departments) to lodge all Awards in the Industrial Relations Commission. The PSA is meeting with the Department on Wednesday and will inform them that at this stage we do not have consent for this award.

Over the coming days we will be engaging the membership about the next steps including what you want to see in an improved offer, how will you as members push for that improved offer (such as what industrial action may you be willing to take part in), and in the event that TfNSW comes with a revised offer we may be presenting this to the membership.

RMS Wages Award: industrial action

On Thursday, members of the Australian Workers Union will be taking 24-hour industrial action as part of their negotiations for the RMS wages award. The PSA is fully supportive of our counterparts in the AWU and their fight for better wages and conditions. Their fight is our fight.

Members who work closely with individuals on the RMS Wages Award should be aware that work may be disrupted for the day and we encourage members not to cover the work of striking colleagues. This ultimately undermines the action.

If you have any questions you can contact the PSA on 1300 772 679 or you can email .

If you are not a member now is the time to join.  There is strength in unity, strength we need to push for a better offer. Join HERE.


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