Thank you to PSA Delegate Sophie Moran
The PSA and the PSA Delegates would like to acknowledge PSA Delegate Sophie Moran for her tireless commitment to the role PSA Delegate.
Ms Moran is taking extended leave for a year of recreation and rest.
Since becoming a PSA Delegate, she has been actively involved in being your voice at the Art Gallery. Ms Moran has been part of the committee to set up the PSA-AGNSW Joint Consultative Committee, worked to resolve maternity leave payment issues, confidentially supported members in individual matters, been part of the negotiation committee for Health and Safety representatives, supported PSA members through COVID-19 and more. For this work, the Art Gallery of NSW is now an even better service to the NSW public.
We wish Ms Moran all the best in the year ahead, and thank her for her tireless advocacy of PSA members.
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