Greens Save TAFE Bill launch - Public Service Association

Greens Save TAFE Bill launch

9.30am Thursday 20 March 2014
Legislative Council Gallery
Parliament House
Macquarie St, Sydney

Or if you can’t make it in person, you can watch live online: Head to “Today in parliament” and click on the Legislative Council.

John Kaye will speak for about 30 minutes on why the Parliament should stop the so-called Smart and Skilled entitlements training market and wind back the budget cuts, student fee increases and flow of funds to private providers.

More details about the bill are available here.

After John Kaye has “second read” the bill, debate will be adjourned for at least 5 calendar days.

Labor have reportedly indicated that they will be voting for the Bill.

With the votes of either the Christian Democrats or the Shooters and Fishers Party, the legislation can go through the Upper House and ramp up even further the pressure on the O’Farrell Government to call a halt to their attack on public education and training.

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