Transition to National Heavy Vehicle Regulator update
The transition to National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has been progressing, with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) announcing the concept of operations on 6 November via a live stream.
Not only was the PSA present at the live stream, but your union has been active in negotiations with both NHVR and TfNSW on the concept of operations and the transfer as a whole. The PSA can confirm that we regularly meet with TfNSW and NHVR together and with TfNSW individually to discuss the latest developments to ensure our members’ interests are represented. So far, most of our concerns have been addressed, including TfNSW seeking amendments to ensure that if an employee who transfers were to return to TfNSW from NHVR, TfNSW would recognise their service with NHVR for purposes of extended leave.
To ensure the PSA represents our members’ interests, we have worked closely with the union’s TfNSW Departmental Committee and Compliance Operations Inspector (COI) Advisory Committee. As a group, we have commenced reviewing things such as the differences between TfNSW and NHVR Policies and Procedures. Whilst you will transition under the current conditions, which will remain in place for at least two years, the PSA and your Delegates are also commencing a comparison of the NHVR Enterprise Agreement to ensure we are prepared for Enterprise Bargaining.
Further meetings
The PSA has been advised that TfNSW and NHVR will be having a Video Conference Road Show over a rolling three-week period in November. The PSA will also be having a Video Conference with members to discuss any concerns or issues post this Road Show. Meetings will commence the Monday after the TfNSW/NHVR Road Show with an AM meeting and a PM meeting on the same day.
Details of these meetings can be found below. Please register for the meeting you wish to attend.
We encourage members to give feedback as invited and if any concerns arise around the response provided, contact the PSA to discuss.
Please raise any concerns with your locally elected representative to bring to the PSA’s attention.
TfNSW Delegates
Your PSA team of representatives
TfNSW COI Organiser
Ian Braithwaite
PSA meeting times
Meeting #1
Date: 8 November
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Please register for this meeting by clicking HERE.
Meeting #2
Date: 8 November
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Please register for this meeting by clicking HERE.
Meeting #3
Date: 15 November
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Please register for this meeting by clicking HERE.
Meeting #4
Date: 15 November
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Please register for this meeting by clicking HERE.
Meeting #5
Date: 22 November
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Please register for this meeting by clicking HERE.
Meeting #6
Date: 22 November
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Please register for this meeting by clicking HERE.