Transport for NSW call for nominations – November 2017 (PDF version)
Your union, the PSA, is calling on nominations for an additional for workplace delegates for the Transport Management Centre.
- Two additional TOC delegates
- Two additional transport commander delegates.
Nominations for the above positions close 5pm, Wednesday 20 December 2017.
Workplace delegates perform a vital role. As a delegate, you are the day-to-day face of the union in the workplace. Delegates are the connecting key between PSA members in the workplace and the rest of the union.
If you would enjoy the challenge of helping your colleagues achieve fair outcomes and solving problems we would love to hear from you. To nominate for the position of a workplace delegate, you will need to complete a nomination form which can be found at This nomination form, once completed, can be sent to .
In the event that there are more persons nominated than positions, a ballot of members will take place to decide the outcome at a meeting of the workplace on 21 December. Further details of this workplace meeting will be released at a later date.
For further information on becoming a workplace delegate, please do not hesitate to contact your organiser Ben James. E: . M. 0438 485 535.