Underpayment of overtime and incident conditions
Due to the diligence of PSA members, an error with the payment of Major Incident Conditions has been identified. The error is in relation to a SAP calculation for members at a paygrade of RFS Officer Grade 9 level 2 or greater.
The SAP system requires updating in line with the annual public sector salary increase. The SAP component that calculates payment for RFS Grade 9 Level 2 and above, whilst working under Major Incident Conditions has not been updated for approximately 18 months. Within that period, there have been two public sector annual pay increases.
What does this mean?
PSA members employed at RFS Officer Grade 9 Level 2 or greater, who have operated under Major Incident Conditions within the past 18 months have been underpaid.
The PSA has raised this formerly in writing with the Service on 24 March 2021 and again at the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) held 5 May 2021. To date the service has been unable to rectify the matter and provide back pay to affected members.
In the most recent meeting of the JCC the PSA once again stressed the importance of the service to identify the affected employees and initiate the back pay to incorporate the pay increases. The RFS was unable to identify a timeframe for this to occur. The PSA will now pursue prosecution to secure back pay for our members affected.
The PSA will be requesting a full audit of the SAP system to ensure the integrity of your pay. Your union remains committed to working to protect your industrial rights and highlight areas of concern where and when they arise.