Update your details with the PSA CPSU – November 2017 (PDF version)
In recent times there have been a number of changes within Department of Family and Community Services (FACS). This may include you moving to another location within FACS or the NSW Government or if you were part of the privatisation of disability services, then to a brand new employer.
For the PSA/CPSU to be able to stay in contact with you either through your emails, work location it is imperative the PSA/CPSU has your details up to date.
We understand that in times of change in your employment that updating details with your union maybe the furthest thing from your mind but we need up to date details so we can provide good communication lines with our members.
If you believe your details need to be up dated, then please reply to we will then get them up dated.
Specifically what we need is in your signature block, name, work location, email and phone numbers.
Also if your residential details have recently changed then please provide those also.