Western Sydney Nepean Blue Mountains Joint Consultative Committee meeting – September 2024. - Public Service Association

Western Sydney Nepean Blue Mountains Joint Consultative Committee meeting – September 2024.

The quarterly Joint Consultative Committee meeting (JCC) was held on 5 September 2024 for the WS&NBM and was attended by the Public Service Association (PSA), your elected Delegates and DCJ leadership.

This meeting serves as an important platform for discussions on various matters affecting our members in this District. Below are the key highlights:

Workplace Health & Safety (WH&S)

  • EDD CSC visits revealed navigating the entry of workplace hazard incidents on Safety Suite had been confusing for staff. Management have heard this and agreed staff need guidance on updating information on Success Factors and will be providing on site and remote training on entering incidents into Safety Suite.
  • Feedback from members indicated the roll out of ‘Wellbeing Checks’ at some CSCs had been ineffective with low uptake. Management agreed further services, such as psychologists with additional skills (e.g., yoga, meditation), will be considered.


  • Due to the Premier’s “Workplace Presence” Circular, DCJ are undertaking space calculations for each site. Right now, it’s business as usual and individual flexible working arrangements remain the same.
  •  A booking system for office spaces will be implemented for staff working from locations outside their usual base.

Staff Wellbeing Program

  • The recent People Matters Survey resulted in an action plan focused on staff wellbeing with District-wide and CSC-specific bids for additional staff wellbeing funded programs were submitted by the Department. Details about awarded funding will be forthcoming from DCJ.

New Teams/Projects

  • Recruitment for Family Time Workers (FTWs) is ongoing, with positions advertised and awaiting final approval from DCJ.
  • FTWs will be casual workers with flexible shifts, and support (e.g., interview coaching, first aid, car seat installation training) is being provided.
  • Implementation of the new interim assessment tool is in progress, with additional e-learning resources available. PSA encourages members to contact their local Delegates and Organiser with feedback on the roll out of the new tool.

Respectful Workplaces

  • A revised policy for managing workplace issues was recently uploaded to the intranet. A broader launch is scheduled for later in the month.

Recruitment Strategies

  • Recruitment strategies for Yura Marana and district-wide initiatives were discussed. Ongoing EOIs for roles, including a prenatal worker, are being issued. Other initiatives to assist in the issues of recruitment and retention are the graduate program, student placements and Casework Support staff being channelled into Caseworker roles.

Exit & Stay Interviews

PSA Notice Boards

  • Concerns were raised in relation to preservation of PSA notice board spaces. The focus being on the need for management to ensure PSA materials are respected and remain unobstructed. If you don’t have a PSA notice board at your site, let us know by contacting the Member Support Centre so we can ensure members have access to relevant materials at their worksite.

The next JCC meeting is scheduled for 5 December 2024. Members are encouraged to speak to their local Delegates to raise any issues and have your voices heard.

PSA Industrial Staff

Graydon Welsh
Industrial Officer

Belinda Tsirekas

Member Support Centre – 1800 772 679

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