Women@Work January 2015 edition
" target="_blank">W@W January 2015 (PDF version)
Women in the Union training
Women in the Union training will be conducted at PSA House on Tuesday 10 March 2015.
This is an excellent introductory course for women who are interested in becoming more involved with the union and more active in the workplace.
Topics include the history of women’s participation in the workforce, rights & entitlements, union structures, assertiveness, equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination.
This is a one day course that runs from 10 am – 4.30 pm.
It is free of charge to PSA/CPSU members.
Participants are responsible for their own travel and other costs incurred in attending.
Lunch is not provided. Tearoom facilities are available (tea, coffee, fridge and microwave).
If you have a disability and/or special needs, please contact the PSA training staff when you enrol.
Most state public sector members are entitled to paid Trade Union Training Leave pursuant to Clause 55 of the Crown Employees (Conditions of Employment) Award 2009.
Your delegate or organiser will be able to provide details.
Find out more in the Training section of our website HERE
Or RSVP for the course on 10 March HERE
Women in NSW Report 2014
The Women in NSW Report was published in December 2014.
A copy is available at www.women.nsw.gov.au where feedback can also be provided.
Some highlights from the report in the area of work are:
In NSW in 2012, 82% of carers in the 35-44 age bracket were women.
Work-related injuries and diseases
Overall, NSW women have a lower frequency of compensable injuries and diseases than men.
Education, career and pay
In the last few decades, women and girls in NSW have made substantial progress in educational attainment and achievement.
However, this is not uniform across the disciplines.
Participation in trades remains low and largely unchanged for 30 years.
Just 31% of Higher School Certificate course completions by girls are in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
This is low even by historical standards.
Women make up the majority of university enrolments but only one-third are enrolled in STEM subjects.
Following university, the salary gap between men and women in NSW persists at around 9% or $5,000 per year.
Work and financial security
The long-term trend towards greater participation in paid work continues, however, this reflects both a reduction in male participation as well as an increase in the female rate.
While unemployment levels for NSW women were the same as men, women fared worse when it came to underemployment, particularly, underutilisation.
Casual employment
Casual employment remains part of the working lives of women, with 26% in NSW employed casually in 2013.
Women continue to shoulder the burden of unpaid household work, spending an average of 41 hours per week on household duties, compared to 28 hours for men.
Workforce segregation
The NSW workforce remains segregated along occupational and industry lines, with women strongly concentrated in three main areas: clerical and administrative; community and personal service; and sales.
This has not changed over 15 years and is one of the main reasons for the large gender pay gap, which is currently 17% for NSW and lower than Australia as a whole.
Longer working hours
In 2013, 26% of women of child-rearing age who were employed full-time worked 45 hours or more per week.
NSW public sector
In 2012–13, the median salary for full-time female public servants was $75,087, 99% of the equivalent male salary.
However, when part-time work and overtime are considered, the take-home pay gap is 27%.
Women continue to be underrepresented in leadership positions overall.
Women’s representation in the Senior Executive Service is improving, albeit slowly, growing to 27% in 2013.
Domestic violence
There has been a 2% increase in DV-related assaults over the last two years, bringing the recorded rate to the highest in 12 years.
In NSW in 2014, 81% of female homicide victims were killed by someone with whom they were in a domestic relationship.
Sexual assault
The incidence of sexual assault on women remains high.
NSW Police recorded 4,048 adult sex offences in 2012, with 82% of victims being female.
For every 100 offences, eight offenders were convicted. Most alleged offenders were known to the victims.
There has been a decline in sex-discrimination complaints lodged with the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board and the Australian Human Rights Commission.