Your PSA Wrap Up: Office of Sport Uniform Policy, Covid-19, Homebase and more! - Public Service Association

Your PSA Wrap Up: Office of Sport Uniform Policy, Covid-19, Homebase and more!

Your PSA Wrap Up Office of Sport Uniform Policy, Covid-19, Homebase and more! (pdf version)

On 30 June 2020, PSA staff and delegates met with Office of Sport management for our quarterly joint consultative committee meeting.  The PSA requested that management report back on the following areas of concern to our members:

  • The Uniform Policy consultation
  • Covid-19 WH&S measures across centres
  • Homebase central booking system
  • Finalising the new role description for Client Service Officers
  • Myuna Bay Rebuild plans
  • Venues NSW merger with Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust

The Uniform Policy Consultation

The PSA has heard member concerns that the proposed new Uniform Policy, due to come into effect in October 2020, does not meet the requirements of their roles. We have required the Office of Sport, revisit the extensive feedback from staff (more than 75 submissions) and PSA feedback to consider improving the policy.   At the JCC, we were assured that this will be done.

We want to hear more from you –please take just a few moments to complete the Survey HERE. You can also provide further written feedback to the PSA Industrial Officer or PSA Organiser.

Other Policies Under Consultation

The PSA is advised that your Performance Management and Conduct polices are both currently being reviewed by the Office of Sport. The links to these policies can be found on your intranet. The PSA would like your feedback on these policies and will collate and provide that feedback to management to consider when developing the final drafts.

Covid-19 WH&S Measures & Safety Plans across Centres

The PSA is advised all sport and recreation centres are directed by Karen Jones to follow government health advice in relation to Covid-19 measures, as they open up again for school group activities in July.  The Office of Sport is meeting regularly with schools representatives, to discuss how activities can be run safely for school groups. All centre staff should have access to a Covid-19 Safety Plan on the intranet and at the centre. If you do not have access to a safety plan or have any concerns about returning to centre activities, please contact the PSA.

Homebase Central Booking System

The PSA is advised this week sees the completion of the Homebase project. Whilst “go-live” dates were delayed due to Covid-19 – all centres should now be active.  The PSA is committed to raising member issues resulting from the implementation of the new centralised booking system and has a commitment from management to quickly address the impacts over the next 6-12 months, as centres adjust. The PSA has outlined concerns about Homebase impacts during consultation about the Client Service Officer roles.  Other roles may also be affected so the PSA will keep this item on the JCC agenda for future discussions.

Finalising Role Description for Client Service Officers

On 28 May 2020 the PSA provided Client Service Officer member feedback on the new role description.  We promoted a title change, to reflect the role’s support work on centre and regional services, programs, projects and events; and the importance of customer service.  Since the Covid-19 environment is not ideal for measuring the impacts of changing the role, the PSA has sought a commitment from management that once the role description is finalised, we will seek out of session meetings to deal with issues that arise over the next 6 months.

Myuna Bay Rebuild Plans

As members are aware, historic Myuna Bay Sport and Recreation Centre on Lake Macquarie was closed last year. The partnership arrangement between the Office of Sport and Origin Energy, will see the old site decommissioned and rehabilitated, and a fit for purpose new centre built at another location on the lake. Engagement with various stakeholders has commenced and will include Lake Macquarie Council and the local community. The PSA reminded management of their promise to engage with former Myuna Bay staff concerning the design of the centre. We were assured that this will happen as the plans progress.

Venues NSW merger with Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust – what will this mean?

After Minister Geoff Lee’s Media Release on 23 June 2020 announcing that Venues NSW will merge with Sydney Cricket Ground Trust (SCGT), the PSA requested a report back on how this will affect our members at Venues NSW.  Karen Jones reported that an Interim Advisory Board has been established to discuss how the merger will happen. The PSA reminded the Office of Sport that the two organisations currently have different workplace pay and conditions under separate agreements – the Venues NSW Award being one of them.  Also, the SCGT is a trust and is covered by different legislation. The PSA reminded the Office of Sport we will require a Change Management Plan and consultation over this significant change. We have been assured this will be provided in due course.

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