Your union and local delegates met with the Department of Customer Service (DCS) on 5 August 2024 for the Peak Joint Consultative Committee.
At the meeting we were advised that the DCS Functional Review is reaching implementation. There will be a DCS Town Hall on 7 August 2024.
There will also be a review of policies (particularly the flexible working policies) in light of the Premier’s Circular on returning to work in the office.
PSA will be consulted on changes to policies as per normal practice and it is the expectation of the union that there will be no change until consultation has occurred.
On the subject of changes to policies, The DCS First Aid policy has now been launched and the misconduct procedure will be released next week.
PSA has insisted on DCS providing data on contingent, temporary, contractor and consultant labour hires. We were advised that Public Service Industrial Relations is checking the request for numbers. They may provide a response direct to PSA with data from across the sector, however DCS have advised that there has been a 60% reduction in contractor numbers since last year. They will provide further information showing the percentage of the workforce that is in ongoing, temporary and contractor roles. The consultant labour data still needs to be worked on and that will be provided in coming weeks.
With regard to mobility, DCS advised that, up to 25 July 2024, 40 impacted and excess employees had been placed in roles. There are 14 still awaiting an outcome. Three have been declared excess. 50% of internal employees in mobility went into ongoing roles. DCS is now seeking feedback on the how the process is working for people.
It was noted that we currently have seven consultative committees across DCS including the Peak JCC so multiple opportunities through which members’ concerns can be raised.
PSA asked about recruitment in the Building Commission. We were advised that Band 1 appointments will be announced this week. Band 2 have been completed and recruitment is close to finalisation. The Building Commissioner is leaving shortly and while an acting arrangement will be put in place, they don’t expect it to be a long arrangement.
PSA raised concerns about the Secondary Employment and Conflicts of Interest Policy. While we were originally looking at this in Revenue and raised it in the JCC there, we now believe the concerns will be across the board. We are continuing to meet with Employee Relations to discuss the interpretation of what is secondary employment and what is a conflict of interest. We do not, for instance, believe that people should have to put their political affiliations into myCareer, nor do we agree that studying for a Masters Degree should be considered secondary employment. We will advise members as these matters progress.
PSA has recently become aware that, if you find yourself in court as a result of a legitimate performance of your duties, your employer will utilise the Guidelines for the Provision of Ex-Gratia Legal Assistance for Ministers, Public Officials and Crown Employees. PSA is concerned around the time being taken to provide adequate legal assistance to employees and has requested a briefing with a view to better understanding how the process works and how we can ensure that members are not left in the dark for weeks awaiting the appointment of legal representation. We expect that briefing to occur in the next one to two weeks.
PSA also raised concerns about the Service NSW restructures and travel arrangements for members. While Service NSW says it is looking at equitable arrangements for new placements, they are reviewing what has been paid in the past and what can be done going forward. PSA is very concerned about members in the regions and what the requirements to pay for their own travel to landing days might mean for them. We believe that these arrangements may lie outside the scope of the restructures and given the Premier’s edict, may cause significant hardship to members.
Having raised this at the Peak JCC, we will now continue discussing the matter in the Service JCC and will advise members as we progress.