DFSI – Delegate opportunity
DFSI – PSA delegate opportunity – December 2018 (PDF version)
Have you ever wanted to become more involved with the union? Now is your chance!
The PSA is currently seeking one or more dedicated union members who understand the importance of fairness and equity in the workplace, and want to contribute something more to improve the working lives of their colleagues (not to mention contributing to the broader union movement).
If that’s you, then the PSA strongly encourages you to step up and become a union delegate.
There are a number of benefits in becoming a workplace delegate but the first thing anyone considering undertaking the role should know is you do not need to be an expert in workplace or industrial relations to be a good delegate.
The PSA has professional educators to bring you up to speed with everything you need to know to be a great delegate and much more.
Being a delegate ALSO means that you have a number of specific award entitlements.
Here are some examples:
- Reasonable preparation time before meetings with management
- You will be regarded as being on duty and will not be required to apply for leave when distributing official Association publications or other authorised material at the workplace
- Special leave with pay will apply to activities such as PSA Annual Conference, PSA Women’s Conference, training courses, giving evidence before an Industrial tribunal as a witness for the Association and more.
- A full list of our training courses is on the PSA website psa.asn.au under the Resources tab
Being a delegate you will be supported by the PSA Industrial staff.
And remember, the principle of unionism can be best summed up by the slogan “united we bargain, divided we beg”. The larger and stronger the PSA’s membership, the better the union’s bargaining position. The 2.5 per cent pay rise, for example, is not automatic. Your union needs to spend significant resources to maintain this annual increase.
The stronger our bargaining power, the greater our ability to provide protection and improve conditions.
It’s that simple.
Not a Member? JOIN the PSA today!