Introduction of on-call work practices – State Intelligence Command - Public Service Association

Introduction of on-call work practices – State Intelligence Command

On-call work practices update – January 2019 – (PDF version)

Following recent discussions with members in State Intelligence Command around the introduction of On-Call arrangements, the PSA sought consultation with NSW Police and a meeting was held last Friday, 25 January 2019.

The PSA issued interim advice to members in a previous bulletin available HERE.

This information is still applicable and any member who needs assistance with their individual circumstances is encouraged to contact the Member Support Centre on
1300 772 679 in the first instance.

In the consultation meeting, the PSA discussed some common industrial issues including fatigue management that can arise with the introduction of On-Call arrangements. With this discussion, it is hoped common problems can be anticipated and avoided.

Further information should be available from the Command and a finalised version of the SOPs will be published shortly.

Members are reminded that:

According to Clause 90. Overtime – General, there are circumstances in which a member can refuse to work overtime (and thereby should apply not to be on-call). These circumstances can include factors such as commitments outside the workplace, particularly family and carer responsibilities, community obligations or study arrangements; or any risk to health and safety; or other relevant matters.

Your time spent On Call will be paid in accordance with relevant allowance in the Award. The P598 form will be utilised for processing.

The stand down time in the Award is eight hours, however the intent is to apply a standard of 10 hours.

A member who is called out and the stand down time means they miss part or all of their next shift, they will still be paid (per the Award provisions)

Typically work will be required to be undertaken at a local police station, but depending on operational circumstances may need to be done at PHQ or elsewhere.

The On-Call arrangements will be reviewed again in a few months and members are encouraged to provide any feedback or further questions through their line management.

A reminder that as a PSA member, you are covered for lost wages if you are injured travelling to and from work, including if you are required to do overtime while on call. This insurance is part of your PSA membership and is not applicable to non-members.

If you require any further advice or assistance on this matter, or to organise a PSA meeting in your workplace, do not hesitate to contact:

Andrew Wright

Industrial Officer

Roland Harris



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