Land and Property Information - update on privatisation - Public Service Association

Land and Property Information – update on privatisation

Land and Property Information – privatisation update – 21 Dec 2015 (PDF version)

At a meeting in September 2015 the NSW Department of Finance, Services & Innovation advised that a scoping study tasked to investigate future options for the NSW Land and Property Information Unit, including possible private investment, would be conducted over the next six months and released in February 2016.

The PSA was concerned to read a recent Australian Financial Review article (1 December) which stated that the NSW Government was set to forge ahead with the sale of its LPI unit. Disturbingly, the article even went so far as to point to specific industry players which would be the likely beneficiaries of such a sell-off.

PSA General Secretary Anne Gardiner has written to both Minister Paul Toole and Minister Dominic Perrottet seeking their urgent clarification on whether the information contained within the AFR article is correct and whether it represents the position of the Government. You can read a copy of the letter HERE

LPI employees, as well as the broader community, are entitled to know what the Government’s intentions are in relation to the privatising of this valuable state asset.

We will keep members updated on Ministers’ responses once they are forthcoming.






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