Legal Aid – ICT restructure
Legal Aid – ICT restructure – December 2018 (PDF version)
As members will be aware, the ICT division is being restructured. There will be a members meeting this week Tuesday (4 December 2018) lunch time at head office (Meeting Room 1, Ground Floor). Members are encouraged to attend and voice their concerns. If you cannot make the meeting, please contact your delegates or PSA staff. A copy of the proposed ICT structure can be found HERE.
What can you do?
- Ask a work colleague join the PSA today
- Make the union strong by forwarding this bulletin to your colleagues
- Attend PSA meetings at your worksite
- Get involved become a PSA Delegate
- Not a member? JOIN online!
Your PSA Delegates
Head Office
Justin Hutchinson
Ann Miller
Elenor Canning
Dane Bracewell
Eileen Peck
Christopher Murnane