NSW Trustee & Guardian Business Case – Beyond 2017
Trustee and Guardian Business Case Beyond 2017 update – February 2016 (PDF version)
The PSA and your delegates are meeting and corresponding regularly with NSW Trustee & Guardian (NSWTAG) management in an endeavor to resolve outstanding issues relating to the Business Case.
At the forefront of this consultation process is the PSA’s commitment to ensure all members are treated fairly and equitably.
The Pilot
The Pilot commenced on 19 January 2016. It is hoped that any defects with the Pilot will be identified and corrected prior to the full introduction of the Business Case and that these defects can be emphasised during the assessment of the Pilot. Members have already expressed concerns about:
- Increased workloads;
- Lack of relevant training;
- Communication that the Pilot is “running well” which is contrary to the reality of the situation;
- Clients feeling abandoned and having difficulties contacting the Pilot – leading to more work at the branch level with members trying to field these calls;
- Ongoing vacant positions – staff members moved around to other branches to cover vacant positions while their position is not being back-filled
- duties being undertaken without appropriate qualifications and/or experience;
- requests to undertake work without appropriate resources and equipment;
- Lack of responses from the Transformation Team when questions/issues are raised through the dedicated email address.
Work place Issues
During interaction with members, the PSA has been disappointed to learn that there have been many instances where members have been subjected to unwarranted pressure during this extremely stressful time.
Inappropriate workplace behaviour will not be tolerated. There are clear guidelines to report and deal with this behavior in the workplace. Members should report and record any instances that concern them directly through the incident reporting system, to their delegates or through the PSA’s Member Support Centre (MSC) on 1300 772 679.
The PSA is mindful that the members are concerned that if they raise issues they could be targeted and intimidated. Members have also conveyed to the PSA that they believe they will be overlooked for positions if they speak up. This should NOT happen.
The PSA reminds members that they are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity in the workplace.
Incident reports should be submitted if members suffer any detrimental effects to their health and well-being directly related to the workplace. Members are also advised to contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAPs) is a confidential service.
Member Support Centre
The PSA offers support through a number of avenues. It is always desirable to resolve workplace and individual issues at the local level. In many instances, delegates can provide advice and support in workplace matters.
However, if you have followed all the Departmental guidelines for resolving workplace issues without success, you should register the issue with the PSA’s Member Support Centre (MSC) on 1300 772 679. Member Advocates will provide advice and assistance, as required. Registering your issue with the MSC is the first step in the process of attempting to satisfactorily and fairly resolve your issue if all other attempts have failed.
The PSA once again acknowledges the dedication of all NSWTAG members to the communities they serve. We have commenced our second round visits to NSWTAG branch offices and will be collating feedback from members.
As stated in previous bulletins, it is imperative that members support their delegates and each other. Attend PSA and/or members’ meetings at every opportunity and encourage colleagues who are not PSA members to join up. Continue to raise any issues of concern directly with the Transformation Team.
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues
- Print out this bulletin and put it up on your notice board
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA
- Get involved as your Area Contact
- Set up work place members’ committees with regular scheduled meetings.
Update Your Details
If you have moved, have a new work email, work phone, or work location, please update your membership details HERE
Delegates on NSW TAG Vocational
Advisory Group:
Paul Gavin
Robin Turnham
Martin Armstrong
Peter Edggton
Richard Falkowski
Heather Stephenson
Christine Edmondson