Part-time and flexible work agreements in NSW Police
The PSA regularly fields enquiries from members about flexible and part-time work arrangements to accommodate issues such as family and carer responsibilities.
Flexible working practices are an important entitlement your union can help you access.
The PSA can assist members in negotiating these arrangements where NSW Police is not reasonably accommodating a genuine family or carer responsibility.
What is a part-time working agreement?
A part-time working agreement is a temporary arrangement entered into for a specific period of time in order to accommodate a temporary family or carer responsibility by working part-time hours. The member still ‘owns’ the full-time position and has the right to return to it once the family or carer responsibility is no longer current.
How is this different to permanent part-time?
Permanent part-time is a position that does not have the right to return to full-time hours. The member ‘owns’ a part-time position.
What are flexible work agreements?
A flexible working agreement is a temporary arrangement entered into for a specific period of time in order to accommodate a temporary family or carer responsibility by working full-time hours but with specific parameters (such as specific days, having certain afternoons free, starting late or finishing early on certain days)
How do I apply?
Relevant forms are available on the NSW Police intranet.
When and how can the PSA provide assistance?
Members can contact the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 at any time to receive advice about their entitlements or to ask any questions about part-time and flexible work agreements.
The PSA can assist members in negotiating these agreements where the member has been unsuccessful in negotiating an appropriate agreement with their Command.
The PSA encourages members to attempt negotiating these agreements with their Command in the first instance and seeking PSA assistance once local avenues have been exhausted.
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