Pillar bulletin Agreement update - Public Service Association

Pillar bulletin Agreement update

Pillar bulletin Agreement update – May 2016 (PDF version)

On 19 May 2016, management confirmed that NSW Industrial Relations, Wages Policy Taskforce would not move from a one year agreement.

Pillar management stated that they would go to a ballot in early June to put the agreement to staff.

On 19 May 2016, members voted to support a “no” vote to the ballot.

The PSA therefore is recommending a “no” vote again and will be campaigning for this when the ballot is held.

The one year agreement will only provide protection for member for 12 months, the legislation protects conditions for two years.  It does not ensure salary increases.

The PSA is seeking a four year agreement in order to ensure that conditions, including pay rises, are protected for as long as possible. A private employer is likely to seek to attack conditions of employment by taking a hard line in bargaining.

The PSA encourages all members to vote “No” to a one year agreement.

We will keep members informed.

For our previous bulletin, click HERE.

For issues regarding members who are not under the agreement, please send your questions to Industrial Advocate, Phoebe Dangerfield at .

The PSA will be issuing a flyer regarding the ballot shortly.

The PSA has been in the media about the sale. We have been letting the region know about the potential loss of jobs in the Illawarra community. See link HERE for the article.

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