PSA annual leave loading win: Merry Christmas to all SAS staff
PSA annual leave loading win: Merry Christmas to all SAS staff – November 2018 (PDF version)
Department agrees to pay annual leave loading on 13 December
Your elected Delegates and PSA staff had a meeting this morning with officers of the Department of Education.
After initial hesitation, the Department has now confirmed arrangements are being made to ensure that ALL SAS Staff will be paid their Annual Leave Loading on 13 December this year.
Congratulations to your elected Schools Departmental Committee Delegates who have achieved a great result for all our members in schools.
The Department has also proposed a way to ensure that SAS Staff will continue to receive their Annual Leave Loading in the first pay period in December in future years.
The Department will write to the PSA shortly to outline the proposal and further meetings will be held to discuss the proposal and reach agreement well before the end of the next school year.
What is the PSA doing?
The PSA will advise the Industrial Relations Commission of NSW that this matter has now been resolved.
Delegates and PSA staff will meet with the department to ensure that Annual Leave Loading will be paid before Christmas into the future.
What can you do?
Congratulate your Elected Delegates on their hard work and a great result.
Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA