PSA update: Are you eligible for conversion to ongoing employment? - Public Service Association

PSA update: Are you eligible for conversion to ongoing employment?

If you have been employed in a temporary capacity for 12 months or more, you are able to request a review of your employment and seek conversion to an ongoing role.

The PSA understands from discussions with members that a significant number of the Crown Solicitor’s Office (CSO) workforce are temporary employees. Temporary employment is insecure work and limits the rights of workers who become pregnant or who have serious health conditions, or who want to get a loan or sign a lease agreement. Fear of not being renewed can cause unnecessary stress, disempower workers and can have an adverse effect on workplace culture.

Why is it important to ask for conversion?

Despite the best intentions of managers, conversion of temporary employees is not always a high priority. Long-term temporary employment has increased in the public service and is an example of insecure work.

The PSA fights for secure Public Sector jobs, which is why it is crucial that temporary employees who meet the threshold write to their supervisors to request conversion.

What are the requirements for conversion?

In accordance with Rule 12 of the Government Sector Employment Rules 2014, a long-term temporary employee may be converted to ongoing employment at level provided that:

  1. the person has been employed in a temporary or term employment for a period of at least 12 months
  2. the ongoing employment is at the same level
  3. the employment is based on the results of a comparative assessment after external advertising (either one done previously or a new assessment)
  4. there has been satisfactory conduct by the person.

What is a comparative assessment?

Comparative assessments assess an individual’s claim against the pre-established standards for the role and any other claimants (applicants) for the role.

This includes:

  1. screening for the essential requirements of the role
  2. application and CV
  3. at least three capability-based assessments, one of which is an interview
  4. referee checks.

If you meet the above requirements, you are eligible to request the conversion of your temporary employment to ongoing employment. It is ultimately at the discretion of the Crown Solicitor (or her delegate) whether to approve the conversion of an individual’s employment.

Check it out HERE.

What do I do to be converted?

A request for conversion should be made in writing to your supervisor. The PSA can assist members with this process.

Members are encouraged to either contact the PSA for individual assistance via oiur Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679, or touch base with your Worksite delegates Louise Coory and Sophie Roden.

The PSA fights for employees’ rights to have secure employment. To ensure that your rights are protected join the PSA and encourage all temporary staff at your office to join.

It’s easy to join on line so why not SIGN UP TODAY?

SEE WHY there has never been a more vital time for the union.


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