PSA update on breaking news: “Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons stood down as Resilience NSW dismantled”
The PSA has seen the breaking news yesterday announcing the Commissioner of Resilience NSW will be stood down and that the NSW State Government plans to overhaul the agency. As members may know, Resilience NSW was established to coordinate emergency services and disaster management in response to the 2019-20 Black summer bushfires.
The PSA is aware that Resilience NSW came under fire following an inquiry into the northern NSW flood disaster response and recovery. The inquiry’s report found the state’s disaster response needs to be restructured, starting with dismantling Resilience NSW. The NSW Premier is expected to address the changes imminently.
The PSA and Resilience NSW have our Joint Consultative Committee meeting next week on 11 August 2022. We expect to be advised of the agency’s plans and how the proposed changes will impact our members. We will keep our members informed as the situation unfolds.
We want to assure members that we will represent your interests proactively and will be there to support you both collectively, as well as on an individual basis, throughout any proposed changes. For now, members can be certain that whatever happens, the PSA has your back.