Research Scientists classification review: PSC Policy & Guidelines 2020 DPIE & DRNSW - Public Service Association

Research Scientists classification review: PSC Policy & Guidelines 2020 DPIE & DRNSW

Attention Research Scientists

The Public Service Commission (PSC) has sought commentary from the PSA on the Draft Research Scientist Classification Policy and Guidelines (2020). Attached to this correspondence are the draft guidelines, the final report by Dr Alastair Grieve, who was engaged by the PSC, and a summary of the changes to the guidelines. You can read them HERE.

As part of this process the PSA is seeking input on the review from our members who are part of the Research Scientists classification.

As an important aside, we are advised there are no proposed changes to the Award as part of this review.

Apologies for the timeframes, however, the PSC has asked that the PSA respond by Tuesday 12 May.

If you are a Research Scientist and have any further enquiries in relation to the Policy and Guidelines review or wish to provide commentary, you can email the PSA Industrial Officer Shane Howes at ">

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