SAS Staff Bulletin: Fair Pay, Entitlements & Rights at risk... - Public Service Association

SAS Staff Bulletin: Fair Pay, Entitlements & Rights at risk…

PSA members in schools helped defeat the NSW Government’s grab on our conditions last year by participating in our October 8 stop work in record numbers.

This member led action resulted in the Government’s decision to back away from its claim to abolish leave loading and other workplace entitlements.

But with the NSW Government’s new Government Sector Employment Act due to take effect in February 2014, other workplace rights and entitlements are again under threat.

Schools are not protected from this new Act. The Act can have a direct flow on effect to Schools and is part of a number of attacks on SAS Staff ranging from:

  • the State government’s refusal to agree to modest pay increases without a major legal battle (which the PSA won and the Government is fighting to have overturned);
  • declining to approve reasonable permanency applications;
  • threats to extended leave;
  • SAS Staff to be employed under roles, and not owning positions;
  • the undermining of transfer rights and job security under Local Schools, Local Decisions;
  • possible job cuts, unilateral changes to your role and workload increases as a result of LMBR and Local Schools, Local Decisions; and
  • the introduction of the power for Director General’s to “flexibly deploy staff resources” (potential forced transfers).

The PSA will be contacting members to talk about these issues very soon.

PSA Organisers have already visited hundreds of schools but if your school hasn’t been visited yet, give us a ring on 9220 0929 and we will organise to come and visit you.

To help keep SAS Staff informed, a series of bulletins detailing these attacks on your employment and conditions is being prepared and will be distributed over the next few weeks.

It’s important that you take the time to read these bulletins so you are informed about these changes and are able to participate in PSA activities aimed at defending your job, your conditions and your rights.

As with any campaign, our success in fighting off these attacks depends on your support.

Please register your interest to help with this important campaign by emailing

Schools Bulletin Sept 2013_(PDF)

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