Service NSW Flexible Working Hours Agreement and Compressed Hours - Public Service Association

Service NSW Flexible Working Hours Agreement and Compressed Hours

During the height of COVID, Service NSW adopted the Department of Customer Service (DCS) Flexible Working Hours Agreement and has continued operating within that for the last few years.

Service NSW is now consulting with PSA with a view to making the FWHA official for all Service NSW employees.

For most of you, this is simply confirming the arrangements you currently have in place.

However, a staff member cannot have a compressed working week or fortnight and have access to the flex provisions.

We understand that there are a number of employees in Service NSW who have been doing this.  Those who are currently working a compressed week or fortnight will be offered the choice of keeping your compressed working arrangement and having no flex or having flex but losing the ability to work a compressed week/fortnight.

If this affects you, Service has agreed that once this is finalised, you can continue across to the next flex period (effectively giving you up to 3 months’ notice).  They will also look at individual issues on a case-by-case basis.

If you have concerns with this, please contact member support on or 1800 772 679 and quote reference number 222696

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