Update on PSA and DoE Consultation - SLSO Student Health Support Transition - Public Service Association

Update on PSA and DoE Consultation – SLSO Student Health Support Transition

The current Crown Employees (School Administrative and Support Staff) Award 2019, finalised in September 2019, required that the Student Learning Support Officer Student Health Support (SLSO SHS) classification be included in the Award. This classification already existed in schools and has been operating since 2017.

SLSO’s who as of September 2019 were performing health care procedures (now known as ‘health support’) continued to perform these duties and would be transitioned into the SLSO SHS classification over time. SLSOs doing this work should continue to receive the allowance for these duties until they have transitioned into the SLSO SHS classification. Once they have transitioned into the SLSO SHS classification, the allowance will be incorporated into their higher base hourly rate of pay.

All other SLSO’s will be required ONLY to perform first aid and the administration of medication if directed. This will be subject to appropriate training and the receipt of allowances. All other SLSO’s will NOT be required to perform invasive health care procedures such as catheterisation.

They MAY be required to administer medications by injection; but only in cases of emergency in accordance with a student’s health care plan.

The PSA strongly opposed making the administration of injections part of the routine tasks to be performed by SLSO’s generally.

We recommend you download and read the PSA FACT SHEET on first aid, medications and SLSO SHS HERE

PSA and DoE Consultation on Transition to SLSO SHS

The PSA and the Department of Education (DoE) have been involved in extensive consultation concerning the SLSO SHS transitional arrangements with monthly meetings since March 2021. The Department has now finalised its communications strategy to Schools following a meeting on 30 August 2021 with the PSA.

The Department has advised that the following communications have been sent to schools (the Principal) starting from 13 September:

ITEM 1 School noticeboard article designed to inform all principals of the transition SEE HERE

ITEM 2 Direct email advice to principals of schools in the transition cohort SEE HERE

ITEM 3 Information sheet for affected SLSOs SEE HERE

ITEM 4 Information sheet for principals (with more detail of the process) SEE HERE

Summary of Transitional Criteria

Eligibility to be reclassified/transitioned – Permanent and long term temporary SLSO’s who work in either an SSP or a mainstream school with at least one support class and who have been in receipt of the health support allowance in 2021, as identified from payroll data January-April 2021.


Pre-existing permanent SLSO (SHS) appointed prior to the making of the current award on 13 September 2019.

DoE School Workforce Directions to Schools

Principals to review the identified positions advice to confirm if correct and submit a OMSEE notification by Friday 29 October.

If the advice to schools re identified positions is not correct then Principal must notify School Workforce by 30 September 2021.

Where the identified positions to transfer to SLSO SHS classification have been confirmed the Principal must discuss with the SLSO who is to transfer to the SLSO SHS role the arrangements for transfer. A copy of the Department SLSO SHS fact sheet should be provided to the SLSO.

Any questions should be referred to SASS Recruitment team via EDConnect on 1300 32 32 32 or submit an online enquiry.

Remaining issues raised by PSA

Request to not convert a role to permanent SLSO (SHS) – The Department position is that there needs to be exceptional and compelling reasons to support a decision not to reclassify the SLSO position or the identified SLSO not to transition to the permanent SLSO (SHS) position. All requests NOT to transition to a position or a permanent SLSO SHS role should be notified before 30 September 2021 to the SASS Recruitment team and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

SLSO SHS temporary absence how will this work? Department in its advice seeks to have SLSO’s who have not transitioned into the SHS role MAY perform Health Support during an absence. How will this occur? How will appropriate training be delivered and what safety measures will be put in place?

Emerging Student need – requirement to reclassify additional positions not identified as part of initial transition the PSA preference is for a permanent SLSO SHS position to be created not to continue with any long term temporary arrangements. If the need exists then it should be remedied permanently.

The PSA has written to the Department in relation to remaining issues identified above and sought ongoing consultation SEE HERE

If members affected by these SLSO SHS transitional arrangements need further advice or support please call the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.

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