PSA and your local delegates met with SafeWork on 5 September 2024 for our regular discussion around the restructure.
Mobility sessions
We were advised that a clear statement will be sent out that the mobility sessions, while occurring across the lunch break period, are not seen as a lunch and learn. Please take a lunch break separately to attending any mobility sessions.
Role Descriptions
The Role Descriptions for the Regulatory Service Officer (RSO) roles will be placed on the Sharepoint page in the coming days. Role Descriptions for 9/10 roles will be coming out this week. If you have feedback you would like PSA to submit on your behalf please provide it to us by close of business Friday 13 September 2024.
Becoming an Inspector information sessions
From the week starting 9 September 2024 Becoming an Inspector information sessions will be offered. The PSA encourages interested members to look out for that.
Expressions of Interest
Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the 11/12 and State Coordinator roles have closed. It is expected that outcomes for those and State Coordinators will be released before the Senior Leaders forum on 19 September 2024.
Training for resume writing and making applications will happen prior to the EOI process.
RSO Workshops
Voluntary workshops initiated in the regions will be offered more generally.
It was confirmed that there will be independent people on the recruitment panels. With regard to the 36 new Team Coordinator roles the Role Descriptions are consistent but the advertisements could be tailored, although they will probably do a bulk advert and assess the strengths of the applicants. For those where locations are specified, they will need to sit in the hub they’re operating in. Some are location agnostic and location will be discussed with successful candidates.
Stage 2 vs Stage 3
If you are not successful at Stage 2 (EOIs) you will move to Stage 3 (Mobility). Be aware that if there were roles unfilled from the Stage 2 process, these will also be placed in the mobility program for a total of five days. This means that you could find yourself being matched in mobility to the role you did not get in Stage 2. While you will be competing with people from other areas at the same grade, you could have an advantage because of your greater knowledge and experience which would reduce the competition and potentially provide a more positive outcome.
There will be no restructure meeting next week. The next one will occur in the week beginning 16 September 2024. Please continue providing questions and/or concerns to your delegates or contact quoting reference number 222675.