Your Pay Rise Update – Teachers accept 3 per cent for 3 years, TfNSW workers still waiting for their 4 per cent Pay Rise
As reported in our previous bulletin, thousands of Transport for NSW (TfNSW) workers have signed the PSA’s digital petition demanding acceptance of the current pay offer. The pay offer, which was overwhelmingly agreed to in a vote of PSA members is outlined again below:
The offer our members voted to accept
- 4 per cent 2024-2025 increase in salaries plus 0.5 per cent superannuation, back dated to the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024.
- 3 per cent 2025-2026 increase in salaries plus 0.5 per cent superannuation
- 3 per cent 2026-2027 increase in salaries
- The offer includes a safeguard mechanism to protect wage earners if the Sydney Consumer Price Index (CPI) exceeds 3.5 per cent (March quarter) in the second or third year of the deal. If this is the case, there will be negotiations for a one-off, non-cumulative, cost-of-living allowance (COLA).
- If the Sydney CPI exceeds 4 per cent (March quarter) in the second or third year, members will receive a $1,000 taxable, one-off, non-cumulative cost-of-living adjustment payment, plus superannuation.
- As part of the offer, the PSA will negotiate changes to the Managing Excess Employees (MEE) policy to bring it into line with the new Workforce Mobility Placement (WMP) policy implemented late last year. This has seen great improvements in the retention of public servants affected by workplace change.
- A No Extra Claims Clause (as is standard in the Public Sector). This means that claims on conditions can’t be arbitrated in the IRC, however discussions on conditions can continue and changes secured if Unions campaign and win them.
The latest Sydney CPI figures released on the 30 October 2024 are at 2.9 per cent.
When will TfNSW workers get their Pay Rise?
While PSA members have voted to accept the offer, the offer requires the acceptance of all Unions that are party to the Award. As of today, the other unions have not yet accepted the offer. However, the offer has not yet been rejected also.
Conciliation held in the IRC
The Combined Transport Unions (CTU) were in conciliation in the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) on Tuesday 29 October 2024. Discussions were continuing on a number of claims, including:
- Ensuring Employment Guarantees for former RMS employees continue
- Including TSSM’s in the Award, or the creation of a TSSM Award
- Improvements to the Flexible Working Hours Agreement, including actions to address the current forfeiture of Flex Hours
- Workplace Presence (WFH) arrangements
It was agreed that UnionsNSW on behalf of the CTU is to provide a response in writing to the salaries offer made by the Transport Secretary by 12pm on Tuesday 5 November 2024. The response will include a specification of the conditions that the CTU proposes to continue negotiating as part of their response to the salary offer. Further conciliation at the IRC is set for 6 November 2024.
Critical Stage for Unions
The current timetable for the IRC to make a decision on an “interim” pay rise for this year is 27 November 2024.
With other Public Sector areas accepting 3 per cent pay rises, CPI figures lowering to below 3 per cent, and the IRC recommending a 3 per cent pay rise in other Transport Awards, there is a real risk that TfNSW workers will miss out on a 4 per cent pay rise this year unless the current offer is accepted before the 27 November 2024.
The PSA will continue to focus on TfNSW Workers
We encourage all TfNSW workers to sign our digital petition here, registering your demand for a 4 per cent pay rise this year.
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