Are You Getting What You’re Owed? - Public Service Association

Are You Getting What You’re Owed?

Members will be aware that a new SAP-based system has replaced the previous paper-based process for recording overtime and attendance.

As is often the case with new systems, issues have emerged.

The PSA has been contacted by members who have received incorrect overtime payments, where they were paid based on actual hours worked rather than the minimum three-hour payment they are entitled to under the Crown Employees (Public Sector Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009.

Minimum Overtime Entitlements

Under Condition 90.4 of the Award, employees are entitled to a minimum of three hours’ pay at the appropriate rate for overtime worked on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.

  1. Overtime Worked by Day Workers
    90.4 An employee who works overtime on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday will be paid a minimum payment as for three (3) hours’ work at the appropriate rate.

Similarly, under Condition 91 (Recall to Duty) of the Award, employees called back to work overtime after leaving the employer’s premises are entitled to a minimum of three hours’ pay—even if the job is completed in less time.

  1. Recall to Duty
    91.1 An employee recalled to work overtime after leaving the employer’s premises will be paid for a minimum of three (3) hours’ work at the appropriate overtime rates.
    91.2 The employee will not be required to work the full three (3) hours if the job can be completed within a shorter period.

Action for Members

The PSA encourages members to check their recent payslips to ensure they have received the correct overtime payments.

If you identify any discrepancies, follow these steps:

  1. Review Your Payslips: Pay close attention to overtime shifts under three hours.
  2. Report Underpayments: Email the RFS Salaries team at to request a review.
  3. Seek Further Assistance: If the Salaries team response is unsatisfactory, contact PSA Member Services at 1800 772 679 for additional support.

Standardised Overtime Guidelines

The Area Commands have collaborated to create a service-wide guideline for approving operational and non-operational overtime. These guidelines clarify:

  • Operational Communications Centre (OCC) operational handbacks
  • Activating on-call officers
  • Other operational and business as usual activities

The PSA is currently reviewing these guidelines to ensure they align with members’ entitlements.


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