Botanic Gardens Joint Consultative Committee
Your union, the PSA, meets with management on a quarterly basis to discuss your rights at the Botanic Gardens and Centennial Park. This is called the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) and is attended by your delegates and officials from the PSA. On Thursday February 7, 2020, we had our first JCC for the year – the following issues were discussed:
- WHS There will be nominations being put out for the WHS Committee in February. The PSA encourages members to nominate for spots on this committee. Work, Health and Safety is vital to your workplace and being on this committee is the best way to have an impact on the policies that impact you.
- Mount Tomah There was a discussion about the impact that the fires have had on workers and the gardens in Mount Tomah. Management asked that all workers be patient with the difficulties that dealing with this situation will create across the Gardens. If members would like assistance from the PSA during these difficult times, you can contact your PSA organiser on .
- Bushfires The PSA raised the impact that the bushfires and resulting smoke have had on workers this summer. There was extensive discussion about the unprecedented nature of the fires and about the complications in dealing with them. The PSA advocated for concrete targets that dictate when and how you can stop work. Management agreed that this is a major issue and has done a body of work on the impacts of smoke and is currently looking at how national standards can and should be applied on a practical level. The PSA and management agreed to continue working on solutions so that we can reach a clear and workable policy to deal with the unprecedented smoke and fire levels.
- Herbarium & the Australian Institute of Botanical Science There will be a subcommittee created to discuss matters in the Herbarium and AIBS and this subcommittee will report to the JCC. Shelley James has resigned from her role and Hannah Mcpherson will be acting in this role.
- People matters survey The PSA brought up the People Matters Survey and asked what was being done to follow through on issues such as executive communication and bullying. There was a discussion about the different forms of consultation that have been implemented and the PSA advocated for more communication with workers where possible.
- BGCP Organisational Review Stage one of the BGCP review, which has reviewed executives, has been completed. Stage two, which will affect many workers, is currently happening. The PSA will be consulted during any restructures and realignments and will be talking to members once we know the draft proposals for any changes that will affect you.
- Recruitment Vacancied & Labour Hire The PSA raised the detrimental impact of the high number of vacant roles across BGCP. Management agreed that the vacancies are very high and that they must be filled. Unfortunately, DPIE executives outside of BGCP now have final sign off on hiring decisions and these vacancies are not being filled due to a DPIE-wide hiring freeze. The PSA opposes this hiring freeze and will be advocating for these vital jobs to be filled by the DPIE executives who need to sign off.
- Director Horticulture Jimmy Turner has resigned from his role and John Siemon will be acting in this role while a competitive selection process occurs.
The PSA will be having our AGM for members on the 1st of April, 2020. It will be held at Henry Kendall Seat, at 12:30pm.
At this AGM, there will be an election for the BGCP workplace group. If you are interested in being a delegate, please call or email your delegate, Harry Wall, on or 0418 236 867.
During the JCC, Hannah Mcpherson stepped down from her role as chair of the PSA. The PSA would like to thank Hannah for her service, for her dedication and for the passion she has shown in advocating for the rights of members. She will be missed.